CPF: voluntary housing refund

Change Paynow Daily Limit
Is there a transfer limit for PayNow? The maximum limit for PayNow transfers is the same as of your daily local interbank transfer limit. You can manage this limit online via DBS digibank. The maximum transaction amount for PayNow is S$200k per transaction, which follows the industry limit and cannot be adjusted.

How to change local funds transfer limits

How is my CPF interest computed and credited into my accounts?
CPF interest is computed monthly. It is credited to your respective accounts by the following year and compounded annually.
CPF balances used for interest computation are affected by the transactions in your account. For instance, contributions (including refunds) received this month start earning interest next month. Withdrawals/deductions in this month will not earn interest from this month onwards.
There are strict procedures in place to ensure the accuracy of members’ CPF accounts and transactions (including interest payments). To further ensure that our system is sound and robust, our statutory auditor performs regular reviews of formulas and computations in our systems for accuracy, and conducts independent verifications of the transactions and account balances.

CPF: Make a voluntary housing refund before selling your property

If you make a voluntary housing refund…

CPF eService: Make a voluntary housing refund

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